The design and structure of asphalt pavement are targetted at providing resistance against traffic loads and climatic impacts over its operating life. These pavements are constantly at the risk of development failures due to load. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the pavement in real-time and collect practical data to facilitate the analysis to produce predictive models. To achieve this, there are means to validate theoretical models by measuring the mechanical response induced by traffic and climatic impact. These tests are performed on full-scale pavements for the measurement of stresses, strains and deformations in pavement structures. For this application, special strain gauges, particularly designed for asphalt pavement use, are available.
The PMFLS Series Asphalt Mold Strain Gauges by TML is suitable for embedding in asphalt. These strain gauges have a 60mm gauge length and are encased in a special backing. The material of the backing is super engineering plastics featuring high-temperature resistivity and waterproofing performance. The gauges can withstand the typical 200 C temperatures of hot asphalt during embedment, measure strain at -20 to + 60 C.
The KM-HAS strain transducer can also be used for the measurement of internal strain in asphalt. They have reinforcing bar flanges at both ends for good fixation to asphalt pavement materials. The operating temperature range of the transducer is ‒20 to +180°C, and they have fully waterproof construction.
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