Whether it is about manufacturing, agriculture, or even the service industry, automation is at the core of every successful business. For example, “Inrotech-Crawler”, is a welding robot that is developed by Inrotech A/S in Denmark. The robot helps in calculating the welding process prior to its execution. Here, it uses the robust and extremely precise measuring components from Micro-Epsilon to monitor the quality of weld seams. A scanCONTROL 2900 is a laser scanner from a new generation of measurement devices. The scanner is used in the robot and performs profile measurements during the welding process.
With the SDK (Software Development Kit), customers can easily set up their own software according to their needs. The SDK enables the direct interface of the scanner with customer-specific software via scanCONTROL DLL. The scanning of plates, curves, and other attributes is done by the sensor to provide the desired measurement for the welding process. Moreover, this robot is designed for use in mobile applications and is ideal for a broad range of industries, including the oil and gas industry (pipelines), marine applications, offshore applications, shipbuilding applications, wind turbine manufacturing, and construction. The Micro-Epsilon laser profile scanner fits any application with its measuring ranges and is lightweight.