Automation and new technologies are being used in many industries these days. A climbing robot “MANOLA” is an example of advanced technology that is developed by the Institute for Technology and Management in Construction at KIT. The robot is an apt solution for dismantling contaminated buildings. It is equipped with two laser scanners that enable it to detect any obstacles in its path that can damage the sensitive detector, making it more efficient than humans for this type of work.
The scanCONTROL 2600 sensors with 100mm measuring range by Micro-Epsilon are integrated on the robot arm near the detector. The scanner is small in size and is resistant to demanding environmental conditions. The sensors provide the raw information that can be processed by the customer’s software. These lightweight sensors perform the task of protecting the detector and are insensitive to dust, vibrations, shocks, water, and moisture. The scanCONTROL sensors for this reason offer an exceptionally strong and procedure-safe solution for protecting the detector.