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Expansion measurement on the concrete wall of an energy storage tank

As energy consumption increases, the need for cost-effective and environmentally conscious methods of producing and storing electricity becomes even more apparent. The majority of future green electricity will be generated by wind and solar power plants, which deliver electricity to the power grid. However, this production is not constant, it might be less or more than the amount of electricity needed. Due to this inconsistency, a way to store this energy is required. For this purpose, a concrete tank with lava stones filled in it is used as the intermediate storage for storing the energy in the form of heat.

For optimal storage, it is important to monitor the concrete tank and take proper actions in case of movement of the concrete wall due to thermal expansion. Here, four optoNCDT ILR2250-100 sensors are used for continuous monitoring purposes. By taking advantage of laser distance sensors from Micro-Epsilon, it is easy to detect the minute movement of reinforced concrete walls at considerable distances over a long period of time. Used by the steel industry, concrete plants, sewage treatment plants, and more, the Micro-Epsilon laser distance sensors ensure that damage is avoided and costs are kept to a minimum.