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Release of the new IMC Studio 2023 Data Acquisition Software


Bestech Australia announces the latest version of IMC Studio 2023, the comprehensive test and measurement software for IMC data acquisition systems. The new IMC Studio features an intuitive design highlighting the software’s comprehensive functionalities. This has now made the STUDIO more user-friendly, for example, to assist you in system setup and operation and design complex testing procedures.A set of tutorials and guided tours have been included to familiarise new users with the software’s features with practical examples using simulated datasets.

The homepage of IMC STUDIO is redesigned to providea measurement overview such as channels used, vital parameters, and current live data values. The new feature also includes an intelligent automated workflow configuring the display type, layout, and scaling based on the channel’s datatype and measurement range when displaying widgets on visualisation panels.

The most exciting feature for STUDIO 2023 is its ability to support comprehensive NVH testing. This is made possible by integrating imc WAVE Analyser function to provide inline calculations which can be executed with the STUDIO configurations.

With all the new updates, imc STUDIO can now also read all supporting files to integrate into the experiment configuration. The extended version, imc STUDIO Monitor, is also available to support large monitoring applications. Hence, it also allows for live data visualisation on multiple PC. Users can now enjoy the full advantage of the STUDIO’s comprehensive functionality for their test and measurement tasks.

If you are looking for customised sensors and measurement systems, contact our engineers at Bestech Australia. We provide a wide range of high-precision sensors and data acquisition systems for test and measurement applications in Australia and New Zealand, including the complete suite of IMC data acquisition and monitoring software.

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