Bending Beam Load Cells are ideal to use in platform scale adapting to the construction of multi-load cell scales, belt scales, sacking and filling systems to meet weighing needs where goods are produced and/or transformed. A Bending Beam Load Cell consists of a double bending beam with applied strain gauges, which converts any changes in the ohmic resistance due to the applied force into electrical voltages. It can be utilised for a number of static and dynamic measurement tasks including Load deflection curve, dosing systeam, load carriers, tank crane scales and tension force measurement in wire or thread winders. Our Bending Beam Load cells have strain gauges attached to them that convert any changes in their ohmic resistance caused by the applied force. The precise value of output voltage is specified in the accompanying calibration protocol.
- Measuring Range: 0 to 5 t
- Accuracy: 0.1% to 0.5 %
- Operating temperature: -30° C to 90° C
- Measuring the radial force of seals
- Measuring the cutting force of a tool
- Low profile industrial platform scales
- Pallet weighing applications
- Measurement and testing of switches, buttons, spring, and contact coupling/decoupling forces