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DVI/3000 – Batch & continuous distillation system

The DVI/3000 is a standalone lab-scale distillation column that can be operated as a batch or continuous process, offering versatility in use cases for research and teaching applications. This distillation system is equipped with instrumentation to study the control loop and an electrical heating blanket to preheat the column. Users can introduce feed mixture at three different levels on the column to study the separation efficiency and calculate the theoretical number of plates to achieve steady-state distillation.

The DVI/3000 can also be redesigned to be AteX or IECeX compliant to allow for experimenting with flammable mixtures.

Example of experiments:

  • Drawing Mc-Cabe Thielle diagram for binary mixtures
  • Study the influence of operating parameters, such as feed rate, reflux ratio, pressure drop
  • Calculating mass and energy balance
  • Single and cascade control experiments
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