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KELLER DCX-22 Autonomous Data Logger

The DCX-22 data logger from KELLER comes in three distinct models: Sealed Gauge, Vented Gauge, and cable-free. This submersible data logger offers exceptional accuracy of 0.02% and can provide outstanding precision pressure measurement within 0.0025% of full scale. With their long-lasting batteries, they can continue measuring water level, water pressure, and temperature for up to 10 years, based on the measurement interval of one reading per hour.

Users also have the option to collect the data using manual or remote transmission techniques. To allow for remote data transmission, the logger must be paired with the autonomous data transmission unit KELLER ARC-1 which will enable data retrieval from anywhere to a mobile phone. The supplied software allows users to configure the data logger according to their preferences, including measurement interval, incident management, and delayed measurement start. They can also display data in graphs or charts, correct it using air pressure values, convert it into fill levels or other units, and export it as needed.

  • DCX-22-Baro: up to 1.3bar
  • DCX-22: up to 11 bar absolute
  • DCX-22SG: up to 11 bar absolute
  • DCS-22VG: up to 10 bar
*SG - Sealed gauge, VG - Vented gauge
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